Critical Fashion Walk x 2, cur. by Johanna Zanon, ROM Gallery for Art and Architecture & Salgshallen, Oslo, Norway.
Salongutstilling, org. by The Norwegian Association for Fine Art Photographers (FFF), Fotogalleriet, Oslo, Norway.
Projection night at International photographic symposium NIDA. Meeting Photography 24, NIDA Art Colony, Lithuania.
Group exhibition “Forecast”, org. by Norwegian Association of Jewellery Designers. RAM Gallery, Oslo, Norway.
Group exhibition “Who´s voices are being heard?”, cur. by Agata Ciaston. BWA Gallery, Wroclaw, Poland.
Group exhibition “Hvitsten Salong”, cur. by Jon Lundell. Hvitsten, Norway.
Group exhibition “Behind The Mask”, org. by Norwegian Association of Jewellery Designers. Semmingsen Gallery, Oslo, Norway.
Group exhibition “When The Sun Is Low - The Shadows Are Long”, cur. Anna Karpenko. Museum of Contemporary Art Leipzig (GfZK), Leipzig, Germany.
Group exhibition “When The Sun Is Low - The Shadows Are Long”, cur. Anna Karpenko. Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok, Poland.
Group exhibition “Atlantis”, org. by Norwegian Association of Jewellery Designers. Norway designs, Oslo, Norway.
Group exhibition, Galleri Bak Fasaden, Skåtøy, Norway.
Group exhibition “A Collection of Secrets”, org. by ARKIVET. MJW, München, Germany.
Group exhibition “A Collection of Secrets”, org. by ARKIVET. Riutta Gallery, Lapeenranta, Finland.
Collaboration with Mikkel Bjørset Tin on permanent exhibition “Hverdagshest og høytidshest”. Drammens Museum. Drammen, Norway.
Group exhibition AJW, org. by ARKIVET. Athens, Greece.
Group exhibition CYAN galleri, org. by ARKIVET. Oslo, Norway.
Collaboration with Ronja Allum: “On the Origin” exhibition, Bærum Kunsthåndverk, Bærum, Norway.
Project exhibition «I Craft, I Travel Light». North-Norwegian Art Museum, Tromsø, Norway.
Collaboration with Ronja Allum: series of photographs: «On the Origin» exhibition. Sørum Kunsforening, Norway.
Collaboration with Olia Gorohova: short movie, Galleri NOK, Bodø, Norway.
Group exhibition «The Shadow´s Talk - Project Ekely», Munch´s Atelier Ekely, Oslo, Norway.
Collaboration with Olia Gorohova: short movie, Galleri Seilduken, Oslo, Norway.
Collaboration with Mikkel Bjørset Tin: series of photographs for the project “Familiar in unknown outfits”. Kvamsdals Fargeri, Masfjordnes, Norway. 2013
Scholarship exhibition, CYAN studio, Oslo.
MA Project. Grotten, University of South-Eastern Norway, Rauland, Norway.
From 2012 -… Photographer and Graphic Designer in Pazdniakova Photography and Design
2021 - 2024 Board member / communication and promotion in Norwegian Association of Jewellery Designers (NAJD)
2019 Article «Photographer in the Mirror» as a chapter in anthology «Faces between Fact and Fiction: Studies on Photographic Portrait in Norway», ed. Mikkel Tin (pp. 195 - 226, Novus - Oslo).
2014 Article «Intersubjectivity in photography: Husserl and the aesthetic of Oddleiv Apneseth» as a chapter in anthology «Phenomenology of The Everyday», ed. Mikkel Tin (pp. 84 - 115, Novus - Oslo)
Publications (as photographer)
KUNST magazinet, Samtiden, PhotoVogue IT, PLNTY, FETT, Subjekt, Nordic Style Magazine, Flanelle, The Atlas, Feroce, Gull og Ur.
The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts (Norske Kunsthåndverkere, NK). Webinar om digital portfolio. Photo-representation.
The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts (Norske Kunsthåndverkere, NK). Photo-workshop: The meeting of photography and material based art.
2021 Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO). Lab-lectures Art and Crafts department, BA, MA Metal.
2014 Universitet i Sørøst-Norge (USN), Bø. Lecture + seminar on “Phenomenology of the Everyday”. Cultural Studies department, PhD-course.